Emergency Obs. Request Information
- Disaster Type: Flood
- Country: Indonesia
- Occurrence Date (UTC):
- SA activation Date(UTC): 14 January, 2013
- Requester: The ASEAN Secretariat
- Escalation to the International Charter:
- GLIDE Number:
Disaster Situation
Severe flooding following torrential rain has driven almost 10,000 people from their homes in the Indonesian capital (Jakarta), an official said, with two people killed so far in the seasonal chaos. National disaster management agency spokesman Sutopo Purwo Nugroho said 9374 people had been evacuated to temporary shelters, while a child was among the two victims swept away in the floods Tuesday
(Source: http://www.naturaldisastersnews.net/disaster-news/natural-disasters-events-archiveof-all-natural-disasters-news/floods/557-2013-01-15-2-persons-killed-by-flood-in-jakartaindonesia#. UPd25MgXRdg)