Emergency Obs. Request Information
- Disaster Type: Flood
- Country: Nepal
- Occurrence Date (UTC):
- SA activation Date(UTC): 10 June, 2015
- Requester: Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC)
- Escalation to the International Charter:
- GLIDE Number:
Disaster Situation
A flood occurred on 10th June which was recorded at the Rabuwa Bazaar hydrological station. The cause of which is likely to be a glacial lake outburst. The source is yet to be identified. At this time probably one of the lakes may have burst but this DudhKoshi basin has around 12 lakes which has been categorized as potentially dangerous in a study done by ICIMOD in 2001 and repeated later. Past experiences have shown that the Glacial lake outburst floods have caused loss of lives and property including infrastructure along the river. So depending upon the size of the lake and its outburst pattern the damage downstream along the river valley could be large.