"Guide to Using Emergent Value-Added Products (EVAP) Module with QGIS for Disaster Response" by Taiwan Space Agency

In accordance with Sentinel Asia's strategic plan to empower local agencies with local data and Value-Added Products (VAPs) for addressing local needs, the Taiwan Space Agency (TASA) has developed a manual to facilitate the application of the EVAP module. This manual provides step-by-step instructions on how to utilize the EVAP module within QGIS to swiftly and easily identify disaster-affected areas.

Materials can be downloaded the links below:

1. Manual : "Introduction and Operation of the EVAP Module using QGIS" (PDF file): This manual provides detailed procedures along with video demonstrations for ease of understanding.
2. EVAP_case.zip : This folder contains two case studies – one depicting the flooding in Bangladesh and the other focusing on wildfires in Greece. Users can simply double-click the EVAP case.qgz file within each case folder to access and explore these cases.

Direction For Use:

Folder name: Bangladesh
File name Instruction manual
Clip_Bangladesh_20220421_1.jp2 Prior date image from Sentinel-2
Clip_Bangladesh_20220421_SCL.tif SCL band of prior date image from Sentinel-2
Clip_Bangladesh_20220710_1.jp2 Later date image from Sentinel-2
Clip_Bangladesh_20220710_SCL.tif SCL band of later date image from Sentinel-2
FloodedAreaNoSCL.tif Input data without SCL band, and output from Likelihood Step
FloodNoSCL.shp The shapefile is generated from the Vectorization Step
FloodedAreaWithSCL.tif Input data with SCL band, and output from Likelihood Step
FloodWithSCL.shp The shapefile is generated from the Vectorization Step
Train.shp Training data
EVAP.3.22.ByList_15_Bangladesh.qgz The Project is including images and EVAP model

Folder name: Greece
File name Instruction manual
Clip_FS5_20230730.jp2 Later date image from FORMOSAT-5
Clip_Greece_20230730_1.jp2 Prior date image from Sentinel-2
Clip_Greece_20230713_SCL_1.tif SCL band of prior date image from Sentinel-2
Clip_Greece_20230802_1.jp2 Later date image from Sentinel-2
Clip_Greece_20230802_SCL_1.tif SCL band of later date image from Sentinel-2
BurntAreaRasterNoSCL_F5.tif Input data without SCL band, and output from Likelihood Step
BurntAreaNoSCL_F5.shp The shapefile is generated from the Vectorization Step
BurntAreaRasterNoSCL.tif Input data without SCL band, and output from Likelihood Step
BurntAreaNoSCL.shp The shapefile is generated from the Vectorization Step
BurntAreaRasterWithSCL.tif Input data with SCL band, and output from Likelihood Step
BurntAreaWithSCL.shp The shapefile is generated from the Vectorization Step
Train.shp Training data
EVAP.3.22.ByList_15_Greece.qgz The Project is including images and EVAP model

3. EVAP General Version.qgz : This QGIS project file with EVAP model which is including three steps of EVAP models, user can add raster files into the layer and change the project coordinate reference system same as raster files.