
  • 9th Annual UN-SPIDER Regional Support Offices (RSO) Coordination Meeting
    June 2019

  • ADRC participated in the 9th Annual UN-SPIDER Regional Support Offices Coordination Meeting in Vienna, Austria, 18-19 June 2019. The participants shared their latest initiatives and challenges in the regional activities including capacity building, sharing knowledge, awareness raising. Koji Suzuki, Executive Director, ADRC briefly introduced its latest initiative for space-based technology application to early warning information platform, as a redundant and robust tool for early warning.
    In the Meeting, ADRC also stated that more DRR strategies were expected to be developed for implementing Sendai Framework and the space-based data and information could play an important role for it. A lot of countries have challenges in identifying the disaster risks since the data and information necessary to risk identification are not sufficiently available. They can overcome those challenges by introducing remote sensing data and information by satellites.

    June 2009, ADRC and the United Nations Office of Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) signed the cooperation agreement on establishment of the ADRC UN-SPIDER Regional Support Office on the occasion of the 52nd session of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS). As for the space-based technology and information application to disaster risk reduction, ADRC has been playing a major role in Sentinel Asia, which facilitates space-based information application and capacity development.

    ADRC believes that it is necessary to harmonize the functions and activities of Sentinel Asia and USPIDER/RSO for more effective emergency observation and better application of space-based information to disaster risk reduction. ADRC will make more communication with UNOOSA and ROS.